Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Banjir Jakarta 2013~

Subuh2 kebangun karena hujan deras..
Tetiba kaget dan langsung setel tivi..
Liat berita banjir di mana2..
Kontak2an dengan mr. r yang mo selametin mobil ke mal..
Cari stok mie instan, roti, minuman & snack2.. ;)
Ambil uang di atm secukupnya..
Kabarin keluarga di Palembang klo aku aman2 saja :p
Terus pantengin berita di tivi..
Berdoa semoga air cepet surut dan banjir ini ga makin parah lagi.. Amiiin... :)

When i was younger......

"When i was younger, I'd put my arms in my shirt and told people I lost my arms. Would restart the video game whenever i knew i was going to lose. Slept with all the stuffed animals as a child so none of them got offended. Had that one pen with 4 colors, and tried to push all the buttons at once. Poured soda into the cap and acting like i were taking shots. 

The hardest decision was choosing which Nintendo game to play. Waited behind a door to scare someone, then leaving because they’re taking too long to come out or you had to pee. Faked being a sleep, so I could be carried to bed. Used to think that the moon followed my car. Watching two drops of rain roll down window and pretending it was a race. Went on the computer just to use Paint. 

The only thing i had to take care of was a Tamagotchi. The only ‘fake’ friends i had were invisible ones. I used to sing in the shower. (Now? I make life decisions in there now). Swallowed a fruit seed i was scared to death that a tree was going to grow in my tummy. Getting a bruised knees heals better than a broken heart.
Remember when we were kids and couldn't wait to grow up, WHAT the hell were we thinking??"
(source: Lily)

Dapet message ini dari email temanku.
Terharu bacanya... beberapa hal adalah hal yang sering kulakukan dahulu (bahkan ada yang masih "melekat" hingga sekarang ;p).
Hoho... betapa waktu kecil dulu bahagia bisa dateng dari hal-hal simpel sekali yak... ooo really miss my kiddo's time......